8,00 €
inc. tax
The leather soap for smooth leather. A proven branded product. effax® Glycerin Soap is a proven leather soap for cleaning smooth leather. It penetrates deep into the leather, removes even stubborn dirt and sweat marks and makes the leather supple. effax® Glycerin Soap is simply lathered with a damp cloth or sponge, applied and rubbed evenly into the leather until the dirt comes off. Soap residues are removed with a clean cloth or sponge. As soon as the leather has dried again, it can be refinished with our Leather Grease & Balm.
effax® Glycerin Soap is a great care product for all our sandals and for our smooth leather bags and belts.
Note effax® Glycerin Soap may cause skin irritation and severe eye irritation if used improperly. Please observe the instructions for use and safety instructions on the packaging.
Andreas Thilo, Heinrich Assies und Norihiko Tsukinowa
Thilo, Assies und Tsukinowa GbR
Talstraße 9a
79102 Freiburg
Monday – Friday 15-18h
Other dates by arrangement
Tel: 0049-761-70 11 77
Fax: 0049-761-70 75 388
E-mail: info@sandalenwerkstatt.de